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Follow me! : (a love story that isn't strange at all) / José Campanari ; illustrations by Roger Olmos ; [traslation], Mark W. Heslop] by Campanari, José Publication: Pontevedra :OQO 2007 Physical description: [40] p :il. cor ;24cm Academic level: 3º-4º Primaria Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

A chamada das tres Raíñas / texto, Xoán Babarro, Ana María Fernández ; ilustracións, Emillio Urberuaga by Babarro, Xoán Publication: Madrid :Anaya 1991 Physical description: 115 p :il. col ;19cm Academic level: 3º-4º Primaria Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (3),

Emilio / Tomi Ungerer ; [tradución Sandra Senra Gómez, Oscar Senra Gómez] by Ungerer, Tomi. Publication: Pontevedra: Kalandraka, 2016 Physical description: [32] p. : il. ; 22 cm. Academic level: 3º-4º Primaria Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

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