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A/The Cova/ Cave / Enric Lluch, Jordi Villaverde by LLUCH, ENRIC Publication: Vigo :IR INDO 2011 Physical description: 23 :si Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

A/The lúa ten frío/moon is cold / Enric Lluch, Oscar T. Pérez by LLUCH, ENRIC Publication: Vigo :IR INDO 2011 Physical description: 23 :si Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

A/The pomba coxa/ lame pigeon / Enric Lluch, Jorge del Corral by LLUCH, ENRIC Publication: Vigo :IR INDO 2011 Physical description: 23 :si Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

Elefantes de cores/ Coulered elephants / Enric Lluch, Jaume Vilanova by LLUCH, ENRIC Publication: Vigo :IR INDO 2011 Physical description: 23 :si Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

A bruxa / Enric Lluch, Oscar T. Perez by Enric Lluch Publication: A Coruña :Baía Edicións 2010 Physical description: 32 p :principalmente il. col ;23cm Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

O ogro / Enric Lluch ; ceciclia varela by Lluch, Enric Publication: A Coruña :Baía Edicións 2010 Physical description: 32 p :principalmente il. col ;23cm Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

Na/At feira/the fair / Enric Lluch, Pablo Tambuscio by LLUCH, ENRIC Publication: Vigo :IR INDO 2011 Physical description: 23 :si Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

Pintando a casa/ Painting the house / Enric Lluch, Fran Parreño by LLUCH, ENRIC Publication: Vigo :IR INDO 2011 Physical description: 23 :si Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

O dente de María/ Mary´s tooth / Enric Lluch, Anna Clariana by LLUCH, ENRIC Publication: Vigo :IR INDO 2011 Physical description: 23 :si Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

O can do avó/ Grandpa´s dog / Enric Lluch ; Montse Tobella by LLUCH, ENRIC Publication: Vigo :IR INDO 2011 Physical description: 23 :si Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

A pantasma / Enric Lluch ; Rodrigo Luján by Lluch, Enric Publication: A Coruña :Baía Edicións 2010 Physical description: 32 p :principalmente il. col ;23cm Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

O home do saco / Enric Lluch, Miguel Angel Diaz by Enric Lluch Publication: A Coruña :Baía Edicións 2010 Physical description: 32 p :principalmente il. col ;23cm Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

AVOA DE ROSA, A... / LLUCH, ENRIC; DURAN, CRISTINA (il.); CHAO, IGNACIO (trad.); by LLUCH, ENRIC Publication: VIGO :XERAIS 2005 Physical description: 23 p. Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

RA, A... by LLUCH, ENRIC Publication: VIGO :XERAIS 2005 Physical description: 23 p. Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (1),

Un frasco de caramelos / Enric Lluch ; debuxos de Patricia Castelao ; [tradución, Ignacio Chao Castro] by Lluch, Enric Publication: Vigo :Xerais 2005 Physical description: 23 p. :col. ;19cm Academic level: 1º-2º Primaria Availability: Items available for loan: CEIP Milladoiro (2),

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